America’s Favorite Discount Prescription Card
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Great Ways to Save on Medicine

Buying the medications you need can get pricey. Between insurance premiums and limited coverage, you could be paying way too much to get the right medicine. The MyRX4U Card can help. Here are a few tips to follow when it comes to purchasing prescriptions, working with physicians and pharmacists, and making sure you can stay healthy without breaking the bank.

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Ask Your Physician About Alternate Therapies

Before you begin a new prescription, ask your doctor if there are non-prescription modifications to your lifestyle, diet, or exercise. These changes may reduce the need for taking a new medication.

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Select the Lowest-Cost Alternative

Ask your physician or pharmacist if there is a generic version of your medication. Generic drugs are approved by the FDA and manufactured under the same strict rules. If no generic option is available, your doctor may still be able to prescribe a lower-cost alternative.

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Purchase A Larger Supply

In most instances, your cost per dosage will decrease as the amount you have dispensed at one time increases. If you will be taking a medication for an extended period, ask your physician if it would be appropriate to prescribe a 90-day supply.

pharmacist and customer

Shop Only At Participating Pharmacies

Participating pharmacies must offer deep discounts and perform complicated drug management procedures for our card holders. However not all pharmacies agree to participate. Shopping within our vast network of pharmacies ensures you get the best price.


Show Your Card Every Time

In some instances, the pharmacist may store your card information in their computer. However, to be certain you receive the maximum benefit, you should show your card each time you have your prescriptions filled.

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Understand Your Drug Therapy

Taking your prescription drugs correctly will ensure you get the best value. Ask your physician or pharmacist to explain how to take each drug. Consider what you eat, drink, the time of day, and how other medications and over-the-counter drugs can interact with each dose.

prescription bottle

Store Medications Properly

Store your medications in a cool, dark place and carry daily or weekly doses in a pillbox to avoid damaging your entire supply. Check expiration dates and follow the FDA instructions to dispose of your medicine properly or bring it to a drug take-back location.

pill splitting

Ask Your Provider If You Can Split Pills

Ask your doctor if you can order a double dose of your medication and safely split each pill to take half at a time. Not all drugs are approved for splitting, and many can be harmful if taken like this. This could help save money, but always check with your provider before taking pills this way.

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Talk With Your Physician

The most important part of any health regimen is to talk with your doctor. Let them know saving money is important to you and work with them to find lower-cost alternatives. Ultimately your well-being depends on clear communication with your healthcare providers.